Our nation is failing in its preparation of the next generation to compete in a global society. Oklahoma has been severally affected in its lack of funding, and primary. Oklahoma has seen an increase in high school dropout rates and a decrease in enrollment in state Universities and Colleges. We find ourselves in crisis and it is imperative that child advocacy groups support and nurture innovative solutions. Core curriculum and standardize testing alone will not give our children the necessary tools to compete in a global society. A Center for Performing and Visual arts will foster creativity, turning potential to possibility and passion to purpose, a return on investment not equally matched or measured.

The Center for Performing and Visual Arts will house, dance rooms, music rooms, theater space,a
media center, a 1758 Seat Auditorium, recording studio, coffee shop, venue space and supporting office spaces. Additionally, The Colbert Institute Health and Wellness Center will be housed in the center. Our progressive programs will provide year-round support to core education, with strong emphasis on technology and its importance to imaginative thinking and creative expression.  Our plan will be to provide after school, summer, and mid -term arts education:

  1. Contemporary music education
  2. Creative Writing and Literature
  3. Technology based visuals arts(animation and film studies)
  4. Dance
  5. Musical Theatre 

Our partnerships and collaborations with local art councils, public schools, parents, neighborhoods businesses, churches, and local civic leaders will help the elimination of underserved areas. Our goal to establish an annual "Nith" Community “Block Party”, will promote art diversity, community involvement, and provide local economic stimulus. Our center will emerge as a frequent performance space for both local and national artist, expanding Oklahoma’s cultural activity.